Angel investing 101: Everything you need to know (2024)

Angel investment is one of the many types of funding available for startups on the hunt for cash — and it’s becoming more common for cap tables to be dotted with angels.

But what stages do angels invest in, what are they looking for from founders and how do you become one?

Here’s Sifted’s guide to everything you need to know about angel investing.

What is angel investing?

Angel investors are people who invest in startups with their own personal wealth, as opposed to investing the money collected in a VC fund. They’ll usually take equity in return for the cash, and they’re usually high-net-worth individuals, which means they probably have at least $1m in liquid financial assets.


Though cash for equity is the most common form of deal, there are different types of angel investment. Some angels will also offer convertible loan notes,where the money converts into equity if it isn’t paid back by a certain maturity date.

Angel investor Hailey Eustace says that angel SAFE (simple agreement for future equity) rounds, where investors get equity in a startup in the event of a future equity financing round or the sale of a company, “are good for startups who need to achieve some metrics or milestones before raising from VCs”.

Unlike convertible loan notes, there’s no maturity date on SAFE agreements, so they’re popular with seed-stage startups in need of cash.

Which stages do angel investors invest at?

While startups at any stage can have angel investors vying for a spot on their cap tables, their focus tends to be on early-stage startups, as the cheque sizes are smaller. Atomico’s 2022 State of European Tech report found that the most respondents (27%) invested between $10k-25k — but that can vary depending on the angel’s background. 46% of angel investors who are also tech employees, for example, invested less than $5,000 per deal.

Angel investing 101: Everything you need to know (1)

Early-stage startups tend to benefit the most from the guidance that angels can offer. Graham Schwikkard, CEO of angel investment platform SyndicateRoom, says that angels can “put founders in touch with the right people, whether it's the key players in a given market, press contacts or potential additions to the team, that can help to open doors and improve the company's chances of success. When a startup is just getting off the ground, those types of advice or introductions have an exponential impact.”

How do you become an angel investor?

Naturally, having a lot of cash to hand is crucial for getting into angel investing. While angel investors typically write smaller cheques than VC firms or banks, they're still significant amounts of money.

Those who want to get into investment but can’t commit big numbers can opt for crowdfunding projects instead — on the popular platform Crowdcube, investors can give a minimum of £10, rounded up to the closest multiple of the company’s share price.

Knowledge of the startup scene is key, which is why founders often turn their hand to investing.

Beth Carter, an angel investing through Ada Ventures’ scout programme and head of growth at Flexa, says that “having that double view-point of operating and investing has made me better at both. I can relate to founders in a way a lot of angels without that experience can't, and equally I can look at my work with an understanding of the long-term thought process of investors.” VC partners, on the other hand, mostly come from finance backgrounds — data from Vauban found that just 1.8% pivoted from being operators.

Angel investing 101: Everything you need to know (2)

Angel investors also join together to form syndicates, where several angels pool their cash into one pot — to invest as one legal entity, they then form a special purpose vehicle (SPV). This saves a startup’s cap table from being packed full of individual names and small cheques, cleaning it up with one group spearheaded by a lead angel who is the main point of contact.

Investing as part of a group has benefits for angels, too. Carter highlights two main perks: “Getting access to deals, and reducing the overheads.” Many angel investors also have a full-time job, and syndicates can share responsibilities to make the load more manageable.

Angel platforms include:

  • Odin
  • SyndicateRoom, which has a team of “super angels” informing deals
  • Roundtable, which combines the community chat element with the investment facility in one platform, eliminating the need for an external group chat.

Experience also comes in handy when sourcing deals. Carter highlights that “it's important to remember that this world of startups and investing is tiny. Founders talk. Angels talk. Everyone knows everyone.” Building a good reputation within the industry and being generous with your time “goes a long way — this is the best way to build a network of people who come to you with ideas”.

Is angel investing regulated?

Angel investment is subject to regulations, just like most other forms of startup funding. In the UK, the Financial Conduct Authority manages regulation; across Europe, though the European Commission encourages EU countries to offer angel funding readiness training and incentivise ethical investment, it hasn’t set its own regulations to mandate that.

Regulatory bodies that angel investors should be aware of in the UK include:

  • The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS). These schemes give angel investors tax breaks on the money they chip in to British businesses. The EIS also rules that angels can’t take more than 30% of a company,keeping the majority of control in the hands of founders.
  • The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA). This requires angel investors to self-certify as a high-net worth individual in order to invest in businesses.

What do angel investors look for in startups?

While VC firms are focused primarily on getting a return for their investors, angel investors are often more interested in investing in the people behind a startup. Carter tells Sifted that the most important element is “to be proud of an investment I'm making, to be able to say — success or not — I'm glad I backed that person and that idea”.

The main questions she asks when considering early-stage investments are “am I excited about the way this idea will change the world, and is this founder someone who I can help on their journey?”

Angel investing 101: Everything you need to know (3)

“I also look for a connection with the founder,” adds Eustace, “and whether I feel I can add value and get involved with the company long-term. I don't just do angel investing for the money, I care deeply about the companies and want to know I can actively add to their journeys.”

As a founder, how do you find the right angel?

Just as angel investors will assess the startups they’re interested in, founders should also vet their potential investors. Schwikkard recommends they focus on three things:

  • Relevant experience. You want an angel investor who can also be an adviser. This could be in the form of industry knowledge or experience, or startup knowledge gleaned from their own successful startup exit or investment portfolio exits (and failures).
  • Rapport. You also want to be able to work with the angel, so it’s good to have a conversation and see if you can get along. Startups aren’t plain sailing — there are going to be tough times and you’ll want to feel comfortable picking up the phone and talking it through.
  • Responsiveness. This doesn’t have to be same-day responsiveness, but there are going to be issues you need their input on, or even just legal documents they need to sign. Some big-ticket angels might need chasing now and again, but you don’t want to be caught out with a large shareholder who you can never contact.

So, how do you do that research? Evan Testa, CEO at investment platform Roundtable, suggests “asking other founders who have received investments from the same business angels about their relationship, and how involved the angels are in their companies”.

Angel investing 101: Everything you need to know (4)

And just as founders should carefully assess whether it’s the right time to source VC funding, angel investment should be given the same consideration. Taking angel investment without having a clear goal for the funding or raising when a company doesn’t strictly need the cash is a “red flag” to later investors, warns Eustace. “It shows that even if given funding, the business can't make clear progress.”

The pros and cons of receiving angel investment

Pros include:

  • Gaining the additional value of an angel’s experience — both as a former startup operator or investor, or from other portfolio companies. Ilias Sousis, cofounder of climate tech Wikifarmer, which had angel investors as part of its €5m seed round, says that the team “have either worked with industry-related angels who helped us with networking or external resources that were beneficial to the business, or with people that previously founded their own startups, so they helped us avoid mistakes that they made themselves.”
  • Early-stage startups can benefit from the contacts and introductions that angels can offer, especially if founders don’t have an extensive network already.
  • Angel investors might write smaller cheques, but that means giving away less equity in early stages so founders maintain control.

The potential downsides:

  • Sousis highlights the risk that not doing the right research can mean angels are a bad fit, and could mean you end up with an investor that “doesn't understand the business very well, but is still very opinionated about it”.

Angel investing 101: Everything you need to know (5)

  • Angels might also take a larger share of equity than other investors, he adds.
  • Not all angel investors will offer the same level of support, so founders will need to set aside time to do their research and find the right fit for the amount of contact they want.
  • Big-ticket angels, says Testa, “are not always the ones providing the most operational support” and can be difficult to get hold of in a pinch — to get the right balance, founders should ideally find a mix of angels that offer primarily cash and exposure, and those who offer more personal guidance.

Some of the most active angel investors in Europe

Chris Adelsbach

The most active fintech angel three years in a row, Adelsbach pivoted to angel investing after gaining a name in the industry as the managing director of Barclays Techstars London, and has over 20 years of experience in the financial services sector.

Gloria Bäuerlein

Also one of fintech’s most active angels, Bäuerlein recently launched a €21.5m solo GP fund — one of the first to be founded by a female investor. She has been investing in mainly B2B, SaaS and digital health startups since 2018.

Sophia Bendz

One of Spotify’s first employees, Bendz has since backed over 50 companies across industries, including smart ring Oura, CBD tampon femtech Daye and femtech Grace Health. In 2016, she joined Atomico as an executive-in-residence and later became partner, and is now a managing partner at Berlin-based VC Cherry Ventures.

Johann ‘Hansi’ Hansmann

DACH’s most active operator angel, Hansmann is a serial entrepreneur with several pharmaceutical companies under his belt. He invests mostly in internet and health startups in Austria, Germany, the UK and Spain.

Find more angels here:

  • 250+ female angel investors
  • The most active climate tech angels
  • Fintech’s most active angels
  • The most active operator angels in DACH
  • 100+ angels looking to invest in healthtech
  • The 50 most active healthtech angels
Angel investing 101: Everything you need to know (2024)


Angel investing 101: Everything you need to know? ›

Angel investors are high-net-worth individuals who provide financing to early-stage startups in exchange for equity ownership. Unlike venture capital firms that manage pooled institutional funds, angels deploy their capital directly. They typically invest smaller amounts than VCs, ranging from $10,000 up to $250,000.

What should you know about angel investing? ›

Angel investors usually are using their own money, unlike venture capitalists, who pool money from many investors. Though angel investors are usually individuals, the entity that actually provides the funds may be a limited liability company (LLC), a business, a trust, or an investment fund.

How much money should you have to be an angel investor? ›

Angel investors can be accredited investors with net worth of at least $1 million or at least $200K in annual income. Steve Nicastro is a former NerdWallet writer and authority on personal loans and small business.

What is angel investment for dummies? ›

Angels, typically high-net-worth individuals, invest their personal funds to fuel the growth and development of promising entrepreneurs and innovative business ideas.
  • Assessing Your Readiness. ...
  • Building Your Investment Strategy. ...
  • Networking and Building Relationships. ...
  • Conducting Due Diligence. ...
  • Negotiating Investment Terms.

What are the rules for angel investing? ›

Under EIS, angel investors cannot take more than a 30% share of a business, which makes sure that entrepreneurs stay in control and are incentivised. Learn more about the EIS.

Is Shark Tank angel investor? ›

An angel investor is an individual who invests in startups usually in exchange for an agreed-upon percentage of ownership in the company. So, while by definition these Shark Tank hosts are, in fact, angel investors, they look and act differently than the angel investors who invest beyond the tank.

Do you pay back angel investors? ›

Angel investors operate under a different set of rules. They provide you with the money you need to get going and, in exchange, they get an ownership stake in the business. If your startup takes off, then you both reap the financial rewards. If the business fails, the angel investor doesn't expect you to pay them back.

What are the disadvantages of angel investors? ›

Disadvantages of using angel investors

Relatively small funding amounts: As individual investors, business angels usually provide smaller sums of money than their institutional counterparts. Less structural support: Compared with institutional investors, business angels provide less structural support to your company.

How does an angel investor get paid? ›

An angel investor typically gets paid through a return on their investment, either when the company they invested in goes public or is acquired. This return can be structured in the form of a one-time payout, or through a series of payments over time.

What is the income requirement for angel investor? ›

Requirements for Becoming an Angel Investor

To be considered an accredited investor, an individual must have at least $1 million in net worth and earn $200,000 or more annually ($300,000 as a married couple). You can find accredited angel investors online at the Angel Capital Association website.

How do angel investors cash out? ›

Most investments in private companies are illiquid, meaning you can't simply sell the shares on the stock exchange. The three ways to get liquidity as an angel investor are secondaries, acquisition or an initial public offering (IPO).

What percentage do angel investors take? ›

It's typically between around 10% and 25% but it can be as much as 40% or more. Angel investment is most suitable if your business has growth potential, and you're willing to give up part ownership in return for investment.

How much do angel investors expect in return? ›

What Percentage Do Angel Investors Want? The more money an angel investor gives your business, they more they'll expect a bigger return on investment (ROI). The ROI expectation varies between angels and the specific investing opportunity. It's not uncommon for an angel investor to expect a 30% return on their money.

Can I write off an angel investment? ›

Using Capital Losses to Offset Gains

This can significantly reduce your tax liability. For example, if you gain $100,000 from one startup but lose $40,000 in another, you would only owe taxes on the net gain of $60,000. This is one way you can deduct angel investments from your taxes.

How much money do you need to start angel investing? ›

You can start angel investing with as little as $25,000. Of course, the more money you have to invest, the more potential there is for a return on investment. But if you're just starting, you don't need to break the bank. Just be sure to do your research and invest in a company that you believe in.

Can you be an angel investor without money? ›

If you want to get involved in angel investing but don't have any money or experience, joining an angel investor network is a great way to get started. Once you're a member of a network, you'll have access to educational resources, deal flow, and a community of like-minded investors.

Is angel investing worth it? ›

Angel investing is a good option for startups to raise large amounts of capital without being constrained by the requirements that go along with taking out a loan. The main disadvantage, however, is the fact that it requires trading off a certain amount of ownership in the company.

What are the requirements for angel investing? ›

Angel investing is only suitable for those with stable income streams and minimum investable assets of $1 million — $2 million. Consider if: You have at least six months of living expenses set aside in savings as an emergency cushion. Investing surplus minimizes financial disruption if some startups fail.

How do angel investors get their money back? ›

During an angel investment round, investors can purchase equity in the company, giving them a certain percentage of the ownership. This equity stake can then be cashed out at a later date when the company has increased in valuation, earning a profit for the investors.

What is a typical ROI for an angel investor? ›

However, successful investments in early-stage companies can provide substantial returns. On average, angel investors and venture capitalists aim for ROI in the range of 20% to 30% or higher. But remember, these figures can vary greatly depending on the specific investment, industry, and market conditions.

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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.