Are Robo-Advisors Worth It? (2024)

When it comes to investing, one of the hottest topics is the rise of robo-advisors. Attracting interest with their user-friendly interfaces and lower fees, these algorithm-driven platforms promise a convenient way to manage your investments.

But are they really worth it? We’ll explore both the advantages and the drawbacks to help you make an informed decision.

Key Takeaways

  • Robo-advisors can be worth it for set-it-and-forget it investors who want automated, diversified portfolios.
  • These low-cost, low-minimum platforms are ideal for novice investors seeking competent portfolio management.
  • Based largely on principles of diversification and Modern Portfolio Theory, most robo-advisors cater to long-term investors who don’t mind a passive indexing approach.
  • As they rely heavily on algorithmic management, much of the human touch is removed from robo-advisors—but this also means less room for human error or bias.
  • More hands-on or active investors may find robo-advisors limited in their range of strategies and investment choices.

How Do Robo-Advisors Work?

Robo-advisors are a new class of digital financial platforms designed to simplify the investment process. These digital tools harness the power of algorithms and financial models to provide streamlined, automated investment strategies.

By leveraging data analytics and modern technology, low-cost robo-advisors help democratize the investment landscape, making it accessible even to novices. They offer a convenient alternative to traditional human advisors, operating on a 24/7 basis and allowing for constant portfolio access and management.

The process begins with an in-depth questionnaire, inquiring about your financial aspirations, your risk tolerance, and your time horizon for reaching your investment goals. These questions help the robo-advisor understand your financial situation and investment personality.

With this information, the robo-advisor can create an optimized portfolio that matches your needs. This tailoring is designed to ensure that your investments align with your comfort level for risk and can support your long-term financial objectives, generally following the principles of diversification and Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT).

Once your personalized portfolio is established, robo-advisors don’t just set it and forget it. They continually monitor your investments, analyzing market trends and economic indicators to make intelligent adjustments. This continual reassessment and reallocation of assets help to keep your portfolio balanced and aligned with your goals.

The advantage of this is the removal of human biases and emotional responses that can sometimes lead to poor investment decisions. This automated process maintains a disciplined approach to investing, taking the emotions out of the equation and sticking to your established strategy even in volatile market conditions. This can be a crucial advantage, especially for those prone to impulsive decision making in response to market swings.

Betterment is one of the early pioneers in the field of robo-advisor services, which it began offering in 2010.

Advantages of Using a Robo-Advisor

One of the main advantages of robo-advisors for users is their low cost. Leveraging automated processes and algorithms, these platforms are designed with minimal human intervention, translating into much lower operational costs and, thus, lower fees for users (such as 0.25% or less per year of assets managed). Their affordable pricing structure sets them apart from traditional financial advisors, who typically charge more and can often be a more expensive option.

Adding to their accessibility, robo-advisors frequently allow for significantly lower account-opening minimums. While a traditional financial advisor might require a substantial initial deposit to begin managing your investments, many robo-advisors welcome clients with as little as a few hundred dollars to invest—or even less, in some cases.

This low barrier to entry makes the world of investing accessible to a wider audience, inviting new investors to start their journey toward wealth creation and financial security. As such, robo-advisors present an appealing alternative for novices in the investing world or those managing smaller portfolios, as they can access investment advice without breaking the bank.

Another plus is their inherent capability for constant monitoring and adjustment of your portfolio. Unlike human advisors, the best robo-advisors are designed to keep a tireless watch on your investments, using software to constantly analyze market conditions and make adjustments as necessary, such as portfolio rebalancing and automatic tax-loss harvesting. This capability goes beyond what a human could realistically provide, ensuring your portfolio is always optimized according to the latest market data.

Finally, the algorithms underlying robo-advisors deliver unbiased investment advice, free from human emotions or conflicts of interest. The advice given is based purely on statistical analysis and proven investment principles. This data-driven approach can offer a sense of objectivity and impartiality, boosting investors’ confidence in the strategies suggested by their robo-advisor.

Disadvantages of Using a Robo-Advisor

While the convenience and cost-effectiveness of robo-advisors can make them quite attractive for many investors, it’s important to remember that they do come with certain limitations. The automated nature of these platforms, while efficient, does not allow for the same degree of adaptability and specificity that you might find with traditional financial advisors. This lack of personalization might leave some more advanced investors feeling as though their unique needs and circ*mstances aren’t fully catered to.

Robo-advisors tend to employ standardized strategies and portfolio structures, often relying on pre-selected baskets of assets, such as index exchange-traded funds (index ETFs). While these funds can provide diversified exposure to a wide array of asset classes, this methodology can also limit the range of investment options.

If your aim is to outperform the market, then robo-advisors might not be your best choice. Most robo-advisors are constructed around the principles of Modern Portfolio Theory, which emphasizes passive indexing and prudent risk management over market-beating returns. Traditional financial advisors, on the other hand, can offer access to a broader array of financial instruments and strategies, which may include individual stocks, options, and alternative investments. For those who aspire to achieve superior returns through more active investment strategies, a traditional financial advisor might be a better match.

A further disadvantage arises from the absence of a human element. Despite their sophistication, these platforms may not be equipped to grasp the nuances of individual financial circ*mstances or make judgment calls based on complex situations.

For example, an algorithm may not always understand that you’re planning a major life event such as a home purchase or the start of a new business, which could significantly impact your financial strategy. This lack of personal context may result in investment decisions that don’t fully align with your overall financial landscape. That said, many robo-advisors have adapted to this challenge by allowing users to define specific goals or time horizons.

Some platforms now employ human advisors who customers can reach out to for support and advice. These human advisors provide an extra layer of personalization and can help navigate complex financial situations. However, it’s important to note that these advisors often don’t have the ability to directly influence or change clients’ portfolios, given the predominantly automated nature of robo-advisors. They serve more as a guide and resource, rather than having the full authority to take action on your behalf like a traditional financial advisor would.

Robo-Advisor Pros and Cons



  • Lack of human touch

  • Limited range of investments and strategies

  • No room for active or sophisticated strategies

Should You Use a Robo-Advisor?

When deciding whether to sign up with a robo-advisor, there are certain things that you should consider. In some cases, a human advisor might still make more sense. Moreover, not all robo-advisors are created equal. Some cater more to novice investors with a completely hands-off approach, while others allow for greater input and flexibility.

Financial Goals

Your financial goals play a central role in determining whether a robo-advisor is right for you. If your investment objectives are straightforward, like saving for a car or accumulating funds for retirement, then a robo-advisor with its simple, hands-off approach might be sufficient. However, if your financial situation involves more complexity, such as estate planning, tax optimization, or managing wealth across various assets and regions, then you might be better served by a human advisor who can provide a complex, tailored strategy.

Robo-advisor Fees

While robo-advisors generally charge lower fees and have lower minimums than traditional advisors, it’s essential to consider if the cost savings truly outweigh the potential benefits of a traditional advisor. Low cost often comes with a trade-off in the form of less personalized advice and more limited investment options. Conversely, while traditional advisors come with higher costs, they can provide more comprehensive and customized financial advice, which might generate better long-term value for your investment portfolio.


When comparing robo-advisors, it’s crucial to assess which features are most important to you. Most robo-advisors provide ease of use, automatic rebalancing, and tax-loss harvesting, but their additional service offerings can vary. You may want to seek out more comprehensive services, such as financial planning across multiple aspects of your life, direct access to expert opinions and research, or bespoke investment strategies. For instance, several robo-advisors today now feature environmental, social, and governance (ESG)-centered portfolios for socially and environmentally conscious investors.

In-person vs. Online

Another important consideration is how much you value human interaction in your financial management process. Robo-advisors, being digital platforms, operate online and lack the face-to-face interaction that traditional advisors can provide. This means that they may fall short when it comes to understanding and responding to your specific personal circ*mstances or providing empathetic support during turbulent market times. If you value the human touch, the reassurance of speaking directly to an expert, or simply the personal relationship that can develop with a traditional advisor, then a robo-advisor might not be the best fit for you.

What Is the Average Return of a Robo-Advisor?

Robo-advisor returns will vary based on the specific investment strategy adopted and prevailing market conditions.

For example, a user assigned to a conservative strategy with a heavy focus on bonds may deliver lower returns but with less volatility. Conversely, a robo-advisor implementing an aggressive growth strategy would typically be more volatile but could offer higher potential returns. It’s important to match the investment strategy with your individual risk tolerance and financial goals.

Moreover, it will depend on the specific assets and funds that a robo-advisor uses to construct portfolios of various risks. However, because most robo-advisors follow similar overarching strategies and draw from the same universe of low-cost index ETFs, returns for similar risk levels should be more or less comparable over time.

Can You Lose Money with a Robo-Advisor?

Yes. As with any form of investing, there’s always a risk of losing money when using a robo-advisor. Markets can be unpredictable, and no form of investing is immune to potential losses. Robo-advisors, like human advisors, cannot guarantee profits or protect entirely against losses, especially during market downturns—even with well-diversified portfolios.

Because most robo-advisors only take long positions, when those assets fall in value, so will the portfolio it has constructed. It’s important to understand your risk tolerance and ensure that your portfolio aligns with it.

Are Robo-Advisors Trustworthy?

Yes. Most robo-advisors are regulated by financial authorities such as the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) in the United States, providing a certain degree of trustworthiness. They are required to follow the same rules and regulations as traditional financial advisors, and are backed by Securities Investor Protection Corp. (SIPC) coverage.

However, like any other financial service, it’s crucial to do your own research. Read user reviews, understand their fee structure, and check their registration with regulatory bodies. It’s also a good idea to ensure that they have measures in place to protect your data and assets.

How Do Robo-Advisors Manage Risk?

Robo-advisors manage risk primarily through diversification, which involves spreading your investments across a variety of different asset classes to mitigate potential losses. Additionally, they use algorithms designed to adjust your portfolio based on changes in market conditions and to take advantage of tax-loss harvesting. Note that while these strategies can help manage risk, they cannot eliminate it entirely.

What Happens If My Robo-Advisor Goes Out of Business?

If a robo-advisor fails, the most likely scenario is that its managed assets will be purchased by a rival financial company and your portfolio will move over to them. Most robo-advisors are members of the Securities Investor Protection Corp. (SIPC), which can protect your portfolio’s assets up to a certain limit if the company goes out of business. However, it’s important to note that the SIPC does not protect against losses from the investments themselves.

Always check whether the robo-advisor is a member of the SIPC or a similar organization in your country.

The Bottom Line

Determining whether a robo-advisor is for you largely depends on your individual needs and preferences. For some, the simplicity, accessibility, and lower costs make them a very appealing choice. However, for those desiring more personalized service and sophisticated investment strategies, a human financial advisor may be worth the additional cost.

Understanding the pros and cons can help you decide whether a robo-advisor is the right choice for you.

Are Robo-Advisors Worth It? (2024)


Are Robo-Advisors Worth It? ›

It may seem like an easy decision to invest using a robo-advisor, but it's always a good idea to review the drawbacks. Remember, you don't get the human service you would with a financial advisor guiding you through your investments. And despite the low cost, you may end up paying more in fees in the end.

Are robo-advisors worth the cost? ›

For some, the simplicity, accessibility, and lower costs make them a very appealing choice. However, for those desiring more personalized service and sophisticated investment strategies, a human financial advisor may be worth the additional cost.

What is the average return on a robo-advisor? ›

Learn how fees, enhanced features, and investment options can also be key considerations. Five-year returns from most robo-advisors range from 2%–5% per year. * And the performance of these automated investment services can vary based on asset allocation, market conditions, and other factors.

What are 2 cons negatives to using a robo-advisor? ›

The generic cons of Robo Advisors are that they don't offer many options for investor flexibility. They tend to not follow traditional advisory services, since there is a lack of human interaction.

Do rich people use robo-advisors? ›

Digital Advisor Use Dropped in 2022

High-net-worth investors exited robo-advisor arrangements at the highest rates. Here's how the data broke down along asset levels: $50,000 or less: A drop from 23.6% to 20.6% in 2022, which translates to a decrease of 3 percentage points.

What is the biggest downfall of robo-advisors? ›

Limited Flexibility. Most robo-advisors won't be able to help you if you want to sell call options on an existing portfolio or buy individual stocks. There are sound investment strategies that go beyond an investing algorithm.

How risky are robo-advisors? ›

2 Cybersecurity threats. Another risk of using robo-advisors is that they may be vulnerable to cyberattacks that compromise your data and assets. Robo-advisors store and process large amounts of sensitive information, such as your identity, bank accounts, portfolio holdings, and transactions.

Do people trust robo-advisors? ›

Robo-advisors are safe to use. You can trust robo-advisors with your money after more than a decade of regulation and scrutiny. Some robo-advisors, like Personal Capital, even offer free financial tools for you to use to keep track of your net worth and analyze your own investments if you wish.

Are robo-advisors better than S&P 500? ›

The best robo-advisors offer some unique advantages over investing solely in the S&P 500: They typically provide a level of diversification that you wouldn't get from investing in any single index.

What percentage of people use robo-advisors? ›

Surprisingly, our survey found that just 16% said they use these digital wealth management platforms to build wealth for retirement, and 9% of respondents said they'd use a robo-advisor to build long-term wealth.

How much to save a month to have 1 million dollars? ›

Suppose you're starting from scratch and have no savings. You'd need to invest around $13,000 per month to save a million dollars in five years, assuming a 7% annual rate of return and 3% inflation rate. For a rate of return of 5%, you'd need to save around $14,700 per month.

Do robo-advisors outperform the market? ›

Do robo-advisors outperform the S&P 500? Robo-advisors can outperform the S&P 500 or they can underperform it. It depends on the timing and what they have you invested in. Many robo-advisors will put a percentage of your portfolio in an index fund or a variety of funds intended to track the S&P 500.

What is the best robo-advisor? ›

According to our research, Wealthfront is the best overall robo-advisor due to its vast customization options, fee-free stock investing, low-interest rate borrowing, dynamic tax-loss harvesting, and other key features.

Why would you use a robo-advisor instead of a financial advisor? ›

If you require a high level of personalized service and direct management of your investments, a traditional human advisor might be better suited to your needs. Conversely, if cost and simplicity are your primary concerns, a robo-advisor might be the better choice.

Who is the target market for robo-advisors? ›

Individuals with financial literacy if advanced are more likely to be interested in robo-advisors. Financial online activities are predictive of being potential users of robo-advisors. Non-financial online activities are not associated with the interest in robo-advisors.

How do robo-advisors make money? ›

As with many other financial advisors, fees are paid as a percentage of your assets under the robo-advisor's care. For an account balance of $10,000, you might pay as little as $25 a year. The fee typically is swept from your account, prorated and charged monthly or quarterly.

Should I use a robo-advisor or do it myself? ›

While a robo-advisor can be efficient in managing your investing decisions, a human advisor may be best for more complex decisions like helping you choose the right student loan repayment plan or comparing compensation packages for a new job. Cost: If cost is a factor, robo-advisors typically win out here.

How do robo-advisors make money if they charge low fees? ›

Robo-advisors make money through annual fees, primarily management fees called a wrap fee. The wrap fee covers a percentage of the assets under management (AUM). Compared to a traditional financial advisor, robo-advisors charge lower advisory fees, typically around 0.25%.

Is robo-advisor better than trading? ›

The interface that connects the trader and the buyer is known as the online trading platform. Whereas a Robo Advisor is an algorithm-based process of financial advising with minimal human intervention. Read our experts' take on Online Brokerage vs Robo Advisor to make an informed decision between them.

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