Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (2024)

(A) 86% | Extraordinary
Notes: An angsty apprehension, it's a tome of teacher torment, misbelief, new girlfriend grief, and dread no longer dormant.

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05/04/2020 - Preamble
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (1)
(1) You can tell things have gotten dark from the title sequence. No longer shiny metal against still skies. Now it's rusty, pitted metal against billowing clouds.
(2) Prior to my current re-read of the series, this was my favorite. Before that it was "Half-Blood Prince." Wonder if it'll keep its position or if I'll have a new favorite this time.

05/05/2020 - 4%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (2)
(1) Harry: "Why had Ron and Hermione got together without inviting him along, too?"
- Oh, I can think of a few reasons...
(2) Harry openly insulting his aunt and uncle and picking a fight with Dudley? This isn’t the Harry I know!
(3) Super-angsty to start. "No one understands me, no one tells me anything"... Someone’s been listening to Radiohead.

05/06/2020 - 6%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (3)
(1) If you’re a wizard, don’t give your kids the initials AF, they’ll likely be a squib: Arabella Figg, Argus Filch.
- Mrs. Figg's cat keeps tabs on Harry. Wonder if it's magic?
(2) Petunia: "I heard — that awful boy — telling her about [dementors] — years ago."
Harry: "If you mean my mum and dad, why don’t you use their names?"
- She means Snape.

05/07/2020 - 8%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (4)
(1) "Mundungus Fletcher" is maybe Rowling's most expressive name, alluding to the words "fungus," "dung," and "retch."
(2) Rowling loves adverbs. "Stupidly" is perhaps the most overused.
(3) Lupin: "And this is Nymphadora —"
Tonks: "Don’t call me Nymphadora ... It’s Tonks."
- She does take his name when they're wed. Can't be that insistent on it.

05/08/2020 - 9%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (5)
(1) Tonks: "Are you mad, Mad-Eye?"
- Well, it's in the name. Though it could just be the eye that's mad.
(2) House elf heads line the hallway of Sirius' place. Awfully macabre... though muggle taxidermy is common, so is placing urns on mantles.
(3) Ron and Hermione spend the summer mostly alone in bedrooms together... wonder what they do all day?

05/10/2020 - 11%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (6)
(1) Who knew Percy would be the Weasley black sheep?
(2) Bill leaves Egypt for a desk job in London just to be close to Fleur. Some might call that romantic... others might call it stalking.
(3) Molly: "Who’s left all those Dungbombs outside the kitchen door?"
Also Molly: "Ginny, your hands are filthy, what have you been doing?"
- I mean, put two and two together.

05/11/2020 - 12%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (7)
(1) '"Arthur!" said Mrs. Weasley, rounding on her husband. "Arthur, back me up!"'
- Is it really backing up a point if it's by coercion? and in front of everyone at that?
(2) "[Harry] had been touched by what [Mrs. Weasley] had said about his being as good as a son, but he was also impatient at her mollycoddling."
- Wonder if "mollycoddling" is why she's named Molly?

05/12/2020 - 14%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (8)
(1) '"Size is no guarantee of power," said George. "Look at Ginny."
"What d’you mean?" said Harry.
"You’ve never been on the receiving end of one of her Bat-Bogey Hexes, have you?"'
- Married life will fix that.
(2) "Mrs. Weasley, Hermione, Ginny, Fred, and George ... [looked] rather peculiar, as they had tied cloths over their noses and mouths."
- Life imitates art.

05/13/2020 - 19%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (9)
(1) "Mrs. Weasley ... started fussing with [Harry's] T-shirt, tucking in the label and smoothing out creases across the shoulders. He wished she wouldn’t."
- Get used to having a mom.
(2) The Ministry has jurisdiction over Britain and Ireland. Huh, must not have split when Ireland left the union.
(3) "a heavy locket that none of them could open."
- Hmmm, curious...

05/14/2020 - 20%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (10)
(1) "Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore."
- In other words: Latin, Old-French, Anglo-Saxon, Irish, Old-English.
(2) Molly: "I don’t believe it! Oh, Ron, how wonderful! A prefect! That's everyone in the family!"
George: "What are Fred and I, next-door neighbors?"
- Well, Harry was facing expulsion. Between Ron, Neville, Dean, and Seamus, Ron's the clear choice.

05/15/2020 - 22%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (11)
(1) '"Mrs. Weasley had hung a scarlet banner ...Congratulations Ron and Hermione — New Prefects."'
- Cut out the "New Prefects" bit and you could reuse that banner.
- It's always "Ron and Hermione," like they're a music act or a comedy duo.
(2) "Harry’s mood suddenly lifted. His father had not been a prefect either."
- It nearly always boils down to daddy issues.

05/16/2020 - 23%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (12)
(1) Considering the amount of time prefects spend together, it's no wonder so many end up as couples.
(2) "[Harry] would have liked Cho to discover him sitting with a group of very cool people ... he would not have chosen to be sitting with Neville and Loony Lovegood, clutching a toad and dripping in Stinksap."
- Ginny's also there, but Harry's as yet blind to her.

05/17/2020 - 24%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (13)
(1) '"Tell me, how does it feel being second-best to Weasley, Potter?" he asked.
"Shut up, Malfoy," said Hermione sharply.'
- More Ron/Hermione mirroring. Until now, it's always been Ron who's defended Hermione's honor against Malfoy's jibes. Here it's the other way around.
(2) With Delores Umbridge, it'd be far more fitting for her initials to be FU instead of DU.

05/18/2020 - 25%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (14)
One of these things is not like the other.

(1) Students find it odd that Umbridge wears a pink cardigan. Not so much because it’s ugly, but mainly because it’s muggle attire. You know who else wears muggle clothes? Fudge. Umbridge is an insincere flatterer who does, or wears, anything to get to the top. A simple pink cardigan can say a lot about personality.

05/19/2020 - 27%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (15)
(1) "Harry was too used to [Ron and Hermione's] bickering to bother trying to reconcile them; he felt it was a better use of his time to eat his ... steak-and-kidney pie."
- Smart. He's got his priorities straight.
(2) Harry: "[Umbridge's speech] sounded like a load of waffle to me."
Hermione: "There was some important stuff hidden in the waffle."
- Mmm... waffles.

05/20/2020 - 28%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (16)
(1) Hermione hates Lavender because she's anti-Harry.
- She'll hate her even more when she's pro-Ron.
(2) Ron and Hermione as prefects are like an old married couple. Hermione even bosses Ron around like Molly does with Arthur.
(3) "Cho was almost always surrounded by a gang of giggling girls."
- That gang sounds terrifying!
- I always hated Cho.

05/21/2020 - 30%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (17)
(1) "Poisonous toadstools don’t change their spots," said Ron sagely.
- It's a much sharper metaphor than leopards.
- Ron's all about wizarding common sense.
(2) Umbridge sings her responses to student queries. Though, Mary Poppins she's not.
(3) '"Have a biscuit, Potter."
"Have — what?"
"Have a biscuit!" [McGonagall] repeated impatiently.'
- Take a biscuit, Harry!

05/22/2020 - 31%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (18)
(1) Hermione: If you don’t stop doing it, I’m going to —"
Fred: "Put us in detention?"
George: "Make us write lines?"
Hermione: "No ... but I will write to your mother."
- Ouch! She sure knows how to twist the knife.
(2) Hermione knits woolly hats and hides them under rubbish, hoping to trick house elves into freedom as they clean.
- I mean, that's just unethical.

05/23/2020 - 34%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (19)
(1) Angelina's not an ideal Quidditch captain. When she's stressed she gets bossy, when she can't get her way she gets stressed, and so on.
(2) Ron spots Harry's scarred hand and implores him to tell McGonagall or Dumbledore.
- Yet another Ron scene given to Hermione in the film.
(3) Knitting things no one wants is yet another trait Hermione has in common with Molly.

05/24/2020 - 35%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (20)
(1) Ron makes the Quidditch team by process of elimination. Two people fared better at keeper tryouts, but Angelina found one whiny and the other unreliable. Thank goodness for that!
(2) "[Harry] walked on, feeling quietly elated ... [Cho] did not hate him for being alive!"
- Well, that's an awfully low bar. I'm fairly sure most people don't hate him for being alive.

05/25/2020 - 37%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (21)
(1) O=Outstanding, E=Exceeds Expectations, A=Acceptable, P=Poor, D=Dreadful, T=Troll.
- And people complain about my grading system...
(2) Fred: "Nothing wrong with a good, healthy P."
- I expect higher brow humor from the likes of Fred and George... puns are my thing.
(3) Feel free to use my gifs. I post them on Imgur at: https://imgur.com/user/jaysongo/posts

05/26/2020 - 39%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (22)
(1) '"But Sirius, this is taking an awful risk —" Hermione began.
"You sound like Molly,” said Sirius.'
- Hermione/Molly comparisons continue.
(2) Hermione: "You know, I was just saying to Ron when you came in... we’ve got to do something about [Umbridge]."
Ron: "I suggested poison."
- Well, poison would certainly be effective.
- Ron, always with the practical ideas.

05/27/2020 - 41%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (23)
(1) Ron: "You’re not still in contact with [Viktor], are you?"
Hermione: "So what if I am? ... I can have a pen pal if I —"
Ron: "He didn’t only want to be your pen pal."
- Ron knows what's up.
(2) "The barman ... [had] a great deal of long gray hair and beard. He was tall and thin and looked vaguely familiar to Harry."
- Hmm... who's tall and thin with a long beard?

05/28/2020 - 44%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (24)
(1) Ginny starts dating Michael Corner, Ron hates Michael Corner... it's math.
(2) Hermione: "It says in Hogwarts, A History that the founders thought boys were less trustworthy than girls."
- On the whole, sure. Though a girl is the book's big turncoat.
(3) Harry: "Don’t worry, I’ll behave myself..."
- Moments after founding a clandestine outlaw combat guild.

05/29/2020 - 47%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (25)
(1) In the book, The Room of Requirement is Dobby's idea, in the film it's Neville's. Same with gillyweed in "Goblet of Fire."
- Ergo, film Neville is book Dobby.
(2) Hermione: "I think we ought to elect a leader."
Cho: "Harry’s leader."
Hermione: "Yes, but I think we ought to vote on it properly ... It makes it formal."
- I don't know... the vote seems rigged to me.

05/30/2020 - 51%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (26)
(1) '"Good luck, Ron," said Hermione, standing on tiptoe and kissing him on the cheek ... He touched the spot on his face where Hermione had kissed him, looking puzzled, as though he was not quite sure what had just happened.'
- Ron had the same reaction with Fleur, except Hermione doesn't have veela powers.
(2) "Weasley is Our King" is a hit song. Everyone sings it.

05/31/2020 - 52%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (27)
(1) "Hermione was going skiing with her parents, something that greatly amused Ron, who had never before heard of Muggles strapping narrow strips of wood to their feet to slide down mountains."
- My feeling exactly! But then, I'm from the tropics.
- "Harry" as an adjective means to harass. So, I suppose I'll take it as a pun.

06/01/2020 - 54%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (28)
(1) '"Mistletoe," said Luna dreamily, pointing ... over Harry’s head. He jumped out from under it. "Good thinking ... It’s often infested with nargles."'
- I'd ship Harry and Luna.
(2) Ron: "What does she see in Krum?"
Harry: "I suppose he’s older, isn’t he ... and he’s an international Quidditch player."
Ron: "Yeah, but apart from that."
- Ron's too obvious sometimes.

06/02/2020 - 58%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (29)
(1) Harry: "Are they doctors?"
Ron: "Doctors? ... Those Muggle nutters that cut people up?"
- Ron's descriptions of the Muggle world never ceases to be a treat.
(2) Arthur: "I was just reading about Willy Widdershins’s arrest ... You know Willy turned out to be behind those regurgitating toilets last summer?"
- Well, that's a loose end I never expected to be tied up.

06/03/2020 - 62%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (30)
(1) Arthur: "Well, I don’t know whether you know what — what stitches are?"
Molly: "It sounds as though you’ve been trying to sew your skin back together ... but even you, Arthur, wouldn’t be that stupid —"
- I guess Ron takes after his mother.
(2) "Harry was sure he saw Neville slip the wrapper into his pocket."
- One of the most poignant lines in the entire series.

06/04/2020 - 63%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (31)
(1) Hermione gets Harry and Ron homework planners for Christmas, which is kind of like gifting someone a diet book... it sends a message.
(2) '"I want you to take this," [Sirius] said quietly, thrusting a badly wrapped package roughly the size of a paperback book into Harry’s hands.
"What is it?" Harry asked.'
- It's Chekhov's Gun... uh, Chekhov's book-sized package.

06/05/2020 - 66%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (32)
(1) Neville should have been the one to kill Bellatrix. Would have been justice for torturing his parents to insanity.
(2) I figure with a name like Madame Puddifoot, your career options are rather limited. Either be the proprietor of a girly tea house or a shop for comfortable women's shoes.
(3) Seems like Hermione withholds information from Ron just to see him beg.

06/06/2020 - 68%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (33)
(1) '"Women!" [Harry] muttered angrily.'
- Well, that's what you get for dating your student.
(2) "Rita sat up straight again, her eyebrows raised, and drained her glass of firewhisky."
- Teatime's a bit early for firewhiskey.
(3) Hermione: "Harry, you’re worse than Ron... Well, no, you’re not."
- Ron, still champion of not being able to read girls' romantic signals.

06/07/2020 - 70%
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (34)
(1) Harry to Snape: "Why do you call Voldemort the Dark Lord, I’ve only ever heard Death Eaters call him that."
- It's misdirection. Have the villains all do one thing and cast doubt on an ally by having him do the same.
(2) Trelawny: "You c-can’t sack me! I’ve b-been here sixteen years! H-Hogwarts is m-my h-home!"
Umbridge: "It was your home."
- Cold-hearted.

*character limit

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Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena (2024)
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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

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Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.