What is the best way to determine your investment strategy for your financial goals? (2024)

Last updated on Apr 8, 2024

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Assess your goals


Choose your asset allocation


Diversify your portfolio


Review your performance


Adjust your strategy


Seek professional advice


Here’s what else to consider

Investing can be a powerful way to grow your wealth and achieve your financial goals. But how do you choose the right investment strategy for your situation and risk tolerance? In this article, we will explore some key steps and factors to consider when making your investment decisions.

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  • Jeremy Neil Senior Financial Advisor, Vice President

    What is the best way to determine your investment strategy for your financial goals? (3) 2

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    What is the best way to determine your investment strategy for your financial goals? (5) What is the best way to determine your investment strategy for your financial goals? (6) 4

  • Diendy Liu Wealth Strategy Head at UOB Indonesia

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What is the best way to determine your investment strategy for your financial goals? (9) What is the best way to determine your investment strategy for your financial goals? (10) What is the best way to determine your investment strategy for your financial goals? (11)

1 Assess your goals

Before you invest, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish and when. Your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). For example, you might want to save for retirement, buy a house, or fund your child's education. Your goals will help you determine how much you need to invest, how long you need to invest, and how much risk you can afford to take.

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  • Jeremy Neil Senior Financial Advisor, Vice President

    Material goals like buying a new house, car, etc... are often easy to determine and helpful in creating a financial plan. However, people often struggle with defining their goals beyond this.Determining the meaning and purpose of your wealth should drive your investment decisions and help you define your goals. Ask yourself:What is really important to you and your family?What do you want to spend your time doing?What are your true assets?How wealthy do you really want to be?


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  • Diendy Liu Wealth Strategy Head at UOB Indonesia

    3 key points:1. (S)pecify and (M)easure the future value of the goalPlan for the future value of your financial goal. Else, you are almost sure to miss it, due to the depreciation value of money.2. Is it (A)chievable to your current financial capacity and will it be (R)elevant to have the goal at the time thenYour goal must make sense to your current financial capacity, if not, you'll neglect it very soon. Either you improve your capacity or lower your goal. Then, it must be relevant by the time you achieve it. Plan for the needs, not for the goods/services.3. The (T)ime frame of the goal.The longer the time frame, may require less of your financial capacity, but higher uncertainty of how things may evolve. Find the balance.


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  • Before diving into investing, it's important to know exactly what you want and when you want it. Think of it like setting a destination on a map. Your goals should be clear, easy to measure, realistic, connected to your life, and have a time frame. Whether it's saving for retirement, a home, or your child's education, having clear goals will guide how much you invest, how long you invest, and how much risk you can handle.


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2 Choose your asset allocation

Asset allocation is how you divide your portfolio among different types of investments, such as stocks, bonds, cash, real estate, and commodities. Your asset allocation should reflect your risk tolerance, time horizon, and expected returns. Generally, the more risk you can tolerate, the more you should invest in stocks, which offer higher returns but also higher volatility. The less risk you can tolerate, the more you should invest in bonds, which offer lower returns but also lower volatility. Cash and cash equivalents, such as money market funds, provide liquidity and stability, but also low returns.

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  • Diendy Liu Wealth Strategy Head at UOB Indonesia

    Asset allocation based on - Emergency needs, must meet your 6 to 12 mo needs & expenses. Place this in the safest assets with the lowest volatility. You wont want it in a losing position when you need it.- Medium-term needs. Dont rush to quickly to risky asset, your foundation of wealth is the one to meet your medium term needs up to 3 years. Place it in a more moderate asset such as bond which yields somewhat higher than money market or cash.- Long-term needs. You go to any asset classes as far as your guts allows you. But bear in mind: capital preservation > than capital appreciation. When you lose it all, there's nothing left to be appreciated. Make sure to diversify well, and dont go to stuff that's too good to be true.


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  • Jeetendar Peswani,CFA Finance Educator | CFA Charterholder | CFP Professional

    Asset allocation is crucial for achieving financial goals. Properly diversifying your investments across asset classes helps manage risk and optimize returns.Asset allocation is like crafting a personalized roadmap for your financial journey. It's a dynamic strategy that adapts to your evolving circ*mstances and goals


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  • In my experience, urgency and importance are helpful parameters in determining asset allocation. High priority urgent goals need a liquid low risk approach. So, short-term high quality fixed income assets work well. Whereas low priority non-urgent goals could follow an aggressive approach. Equity/ private equity/ cyclical assets like real estate may suit. Goals that fall in between need to balance risk, return, and liquidity expectations.


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3 Diversify your portfolio

Diversification is the practice of spreading your investments across different asset classes, sectors, industries, countries, and companies. Diversification helps reduce your exposure to specific risks and increase your chances of capturing market opportunities. For example, if one sector or country performs poorly, you can still benefit from other sectors or countries that perform well. You can diversify your portfolio by investing in index funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), or mutual funds, which offer a basket of securities that track a certain market or theme.

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  • Everyone understands that diversification is important, but achieving good results is only possible if you are an investment professional. Look for a Model Portfolio Service (Managed Portfolios) that you can use. They will be diversified by default and managed by professionals. Depending on your preferences and views, they can also be implemented via different instruments (ETFs, active funds, etc).


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  • Jack Ziegler III Christian Family’s Financial Guide 👨👩👧👦 Read BIO to see if we’re a fit 📲Your family is worth planning for...

    We believe in modern portfolio theory.We want to take on just the right amount of risk to accomplish our goals. And no more!Diversification helps us lower risk without compromising returns. We look at 9 asset classes and rebalance as different assets go up or down disproportionately. This allows us to buy low and sell high naturally.


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4 Review your performance

Once you have your investment strategy in place, you need to monitor your portfolio regularly and evaluate your performance. You can use benchmarks, such as market indexes or peer groups, to compare your returns and risk with other investors or the market as a whole. You can also use performance metrics, such as return on investment (ROI), standard deviation, or Sharpe ratio, to measure your profitability, volatility, or risk-adjusted returns. You should review your performance at least once a year, or more frequently if there are significant market changes or personal events.

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  • Kemi Ojenike Family Wealth Advisory | Law | Communication | Social Impact | I help families identify, preserve and transfer their complete wealth across generations.

    Maintaining the same allocation indefinitely in a portfolio can be detrimental, particularly when there are significant market changes that impact asset performance. With expert guidance, a portfolio should be rebalanced periodically. By this, the weightings of different asset classes will be adjusted to the required levels to meet set goals.


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  • Usually, for a specific goal, you would use risk-weighted portfolios, and typically, there are 5 of them based on the level of risk:- Low- Low to medium- Medium- Medium to high- HighIt only makes sense to compare them (to get meaningful results) to the following: - Private client portfolio index for that level of risk- Other portfolios within the same risk levelAgain, seek professional advice as there maybe other factors to consider or if your circ*mstances change.


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5 Adjust your strategy

Your investment strategy is not set in stone. You may need to adjust it over time to reflect changes in your goals, risk tolerance, time horizon, or market conditions. For example, you may want to rebalance your portfolio periodically to maintain your desired asset allocation and diversification. You may also want to shift your portfolio to more conservative investments as you approach your goal date or retirement age. You may also want to take advantage of new opportunities or avoid potential pitfalls in the market. You should adjust your strategy only when necessary and avoid making emotional or impulsive decisions.

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  • The investment strategy (or portfolio) must be adjusted regularly, as asset allocation will change over time. Also, the portfolio must be adjusted if your personal/financial circ*mstances change. Seek professional advice and talk to your adviser once a year to review your financial situation and investment strategy.


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  • Glavis Loh I help young adults kickstart their lives | Tips and tools to navigate adulthood + build a career and life you love

    Your investment plan can change, and it's good practice to adjust to keep things balanced.As you get closer to your goal or retirement, you might want to choose safer investments. Ramit Sethi (Author of I Will Teach You To Be Rich) has a good way of putting it:- Age 35: 90% stocks, 10% bonds- Age 45: 90% stocks, 10% bonds- Age 55: 69% stocks, 31% bonds- Age 65: 53% stocks, 47% bonds


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6 Seek professional advice

Investing can be complex and challenging, especially if you are new to it or have limited time or knowledge. You may benefit from seeking professional advice from a financial planner, an investment advisor, or a robo-advisor. A professional can help you define your goals, design your strategy, select your investments, monitor your performance, and adjust your strategy. A professional can also provide you with education, guidance, and support to help you achieve your financial goals.

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  • That is the most important thing as this is your financial health. You need to understand at least the basics of investing and financial planning, but professional advice is crucial. It's the same when it comes to health. You need to understand how your body works etc, but you must visit a professional to properly review your health especially when you need help.


    What is the best way to determine your investment strategy for your financial goals? (133) What is the best way to determine your investment strategy for your financial goals? (134) 4

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  • Jackson Larimer Financial Coach for Young Couples and Families | Debt Free at 21 💸 | Husband and Father

    Don't forget to account for the cost of hiring an advisor. Most financial advisors charge 1% of your portfolio value annually. Robo-advisors are a more affordable option at around 0.25%. You may even be able to do it yourself at a much lower cost, if you are willing to take the time to learn. This is where seeking professional advice can be really helpful.


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  • Juan Pablo A. Ingeniero Comercial || Magíster en Economía Financiera || Docente Educación Superior || Análisis Económico Financiero

    Es muy necesario, pues con el auge del uso de las redes sociales y medios de comunicación masiva como fuente de información (desinformación), surge la tendencia de confiar en rentabilidades (promesas) fuera de contexto y sustento, que han dado origen a múltiples casos de estafas (engaños) donde las personas por “x” motivo han confiado y perdido incluso los ahorros de su vida. Se necesita la labor de especialistas en el área para poder educar (primer gran desafío) y luego, orientar y canalizar a profesionales capacitados que puedan evaluar el perfil de riesgo de cada potencial inversionista y así presentarles las múltiples alternativas que entrega el mercado financiero que se adecúe a sus reales necesidades y posibilidades.



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7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Don't underestimate the value of professional financial advice. Many "financial gurus" on social media only focus on fees and talk a lot about cheap index funds. Fees are only one element to consider. You need to take into consideration your overall financial situation, tax implications and different financial goals. You need to learn to understand how investing works, but a financial adviser would help you to create a holistic financial plan and provide you with a number of options to implement it.


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  • Kaspars Kravinskis Development planning, economics, finance, education

    Here's a story. Consider some young investors during a tech boom. Despite limited resources, they spread their investments across several promising startups. When a market downturn occurred, some of their investments suffered, but thanks to diversification, not all was lost. Their proactive monitoring and adaptability highlight the importance of individual decision-making and responsiveness in navigating unpredictable markets.


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What is the best way to determine your investment strategy for your financial goals? (2024)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.